If my iPhone rings in my bag and I don’t hear it because I’m doing laps in the pool, does it still ring? Hell no. And that’s just one of the reasons I love swimming.
5 years ago I decided to get fit by testing my Advanced Intermediate swimming skills. Yeah, I wore the proverbial Scarlet AI on my forehead for endless summers at camp (c’mon, unless you’re a 10th grade lit teacher, you can allow me some creative license here). Alas, those lake lifeguards never did promote me to Advanced, leaving me to flutter-kick in vain.
Well, the frigid waters of Silver Lake wouldn’t recognize me now, as I swiftly crawl/backstroke/breaststroke through the water and use kick-boards, fins and stabilizers. In swimming, I’ve found amazing benefits for my body, mind and soul.
Studies have shown that regular swimmers are biologically up to 20 years younger than their actual ages. That’s reason enough to hit the local pool. And so you could just stop reading here. But don’t! Because then you’ll miss some other neat facts:
- Swimming is an equal opportunity activity — during a solid swim you’ll get a beautiful resistance workout for your whole body, including shoulders, arms, core, hips and glutes
- Swimming is very low impact, so while you’re working those muscles, you’re much less likely to get injured than if you were running or weight training
- Despite what some folks think, swimming washes away calories — up to 250 during an easier half hour swim and way up to 800 during a more vigorous hour long one
- Swimming increases HDL levels (good cholesterol), reduces LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and reduces the risk of diabetes
- As long as there’s a lifeguard present and safe conditions are in place, swimming is for everyone: young, old, pregnant, postpartum, those with injuries or disabilities, newbies and old pros
As for the intangible benefits of swimming, bullet points would give short shrift to the powerful impact that swimming can have on one’s emotional well being; I know this firsthand. Swimming offers me a real escape from the stresses and responsibilities of life. Underwater I’m in my perfect, private zone – it’s intense, relaxing and buoyant all at the same time. It’s an incomparable feeling that I look forward to every day.
For those joggers or gym buffs who think it’s tough to exercise without some musical inspiration, I offer you the SwiMP3 by Finis. You’ll get your Rolling Stones or Pink or Daft Punk even as the water rushes past — it’s pretty damn cool.
As an important aside, if you have no choice but to swim in a chlorinated pool (as opposed to a saltwater pool or one which utilizes ultraviolet disinfection), make sure that the pool is cleaned and emptied regularly, shower before and after hopping in and hydrate yourself with filtered water before you take a dive.
So, grab a bathing suit, a swim cap, a pair of goggles and find yourself a pool. You won’t regret it. And as for you camp lifeguards – wherever you are – who kept me from the holy grail of the Advanced swim group? Your lanyard whistle necklaces really weren’t that cool. But I don’t hold a grudge.