Friday, June 26, 2009 the Farm!

Friday, June 26, 2009 the Farm! – militarism – debate on a ferry topic – spelling and recruitment – Close! This is essentially the message from the school inspectorate of Herault intended Bastien Cazals. This is one of the teachers who disobey and refuse to apply to the letter Darcos programs. Already sanctioned 36 days pay on withdrawals, so he received a letter from the Inspector of Schools of the Herault, dated June 23, ordering him not to contact any media for any related topic with its functions. This is the first time that such an order is given by the hierarchy of Education. Alain Refalo, another school teacher "desobeisseur" is convened on July 9 at the School Inspectorate of Haute-Garonne, to appear before a disciplinary board, with the following reasons: Refusal to obey; Breach of duty of confidentiality; Incitement to collective disobedience; public attack against an official of Education> Pierre Frackowiak in a forum and even Francois Jarraud in his editiorial 25 protest against this excessive militarism. For P. Frackowiak "Never in the modern history of the school (since 1940), such practices have been observed." And prosecutions launched against "desobeisseurs" unprecedented. "It is time that the Ministry decides on the authoritarian excesses of the system, resume dialogue and reflection on pedagogy and comprehensive education policies "A subject tray Inconvenient Returning to the subject of STG we mentioned in our article yesterday Thursday." Nathalie Cherry is trading at a cash hardware manufacturer. so she prospected large areas in order to offer ergonomic cash positions. But this employee no longer reaches sales targets set by his manager. "his employer then sends the following letter: "We regret to inform you your dismissal because of incompetence: do my uni assignment
failure to meet sales targets fixed s over 2 years, steadily declining sales, lack of motivation to work. ". High school students then formulate the "legal reasoning that will hold the employer if the case should be brought before the court" and to show "how the dismissal procedure ensures the rights of employees" … In clearly, candidates had to advise an employer wishing to transfer an employee … a topic that bothers raises the journalLiberation (the entire subject is here) Quoted by the newspaper, a professor confirms that the subject is within the program, but that " good, given the economic climate, it’s a little inappropriate "… to another," it’s downright provocative. " Reverse argument used by a colleague: "Put yourself in the skin of the other side is often the best way to prepare a defense …" A problaime of speling? His empech pa detre emboche The Rue89 news website published an article spelling. But it is in terms of the jobs they are interested in asking them if it is a handicap for recruitment. Both HRD interviewed by Rue89 agree on one point: whatever the level of qualification of the position sought, applications including faults are becoming more frequent. As the loans to the new language of young people texting. "This is the case even in people outputs from leading schools and universities, well equipped people also in terms of qualifications, reasoning, logic, internships …" said one of the HRD. So, does that count? Now everything depends on whether it is necessary to have good spelling for the position in question: "For twenty years, making two mistakes in a cover letter was clearly unacceptable. Today, if we stopped this, the stack of applications maigrirait seriously. It is not necessary that the spelling be the only criteria when deciding to dismiss an application. ". But spelling can also be indicative of other aspects. I had interviewed, there are a few years for Educational Cahiers a friend who worked at a recruiting firm. His answer was illuminating on the criteria used: "If it is a foul, it begs the question of why: Is negligence? The person does not take the time to check; Is the thoughtlessness? The person does not take the time to read; […] Is there a real interest in writing the letter? The person she is motivated by what it does. If I extrapolate a bit, I wonder how that person works Go Does "rush" his files in the same way? Door does as much interest in its responsibilities? If she will ask the right questions? When in doubt, she will look for information? As we see, this is not just about knowledge but also skills. "Good Read … ———————— ———————- 26/06/09 the Influenza A: new school closure Within days, five schools were closed France "as a precaution". The latest WHO report mentions almost 60,000 people affected by the H1N1 virus worldwide, and 263 deaths. Read more of the article Bac topic bothers Students in STG sector had floor on a practical case where they were asked to advise an employer wishing to dismiss an employee for lack of productivity. Read more of the article Nicolas Sarkozy, Silvio Berlusconi and the rewriting of history by historian Pascal Blanchard, associate professor at the CNRS-VEYRAT ISABELLE MASSON Director of Communication and CNRS laboratory policy. Italian repentance Libya rehabilitation of fascism wanted by Berlusconi History Museum France announced by Sarkozy, the two political leaders seem to play more with the past. The past ! On both sides of the Alps, for Sarkozy as for Berlusconi, history appears as a fabulous ideological potential cost. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- – Le Figaro 26/06/09 ———————————– Nothing seen … ————– the of 26/06/09 Blacks and North Africans graduates, new expatriates Their success was a taste of revenge. Sure they would never have got it in France. This comfortable life in the US. From "seen in the TV series" come true. chic suit, blow dry and manicure, gym three times a week after work drink in trendy cafes, regular getaways in New York, comfortable and well located apartment … In France, Tania Theodosius and his girlfriend Karine Andenas, 27 and 34, were Antillaises in desperate search of a decent job. Montreal, in two years, turned them into "yuppies". Employed by specialist recruitment firms in the computer, they do not shun their pleasure when it comes to assessing their annual income (around $ 50 000), or to talk about their narrow escape far from France they feel "blocked". Read more of the article Two schools closed in Ile-de-France due to influenza A School Group Andre-Marsault (kindergarten and elementary) La Garenne-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine) must close from Friday night because of "two to three cases" flu suspected in children, did on Friday morning in the town hall. "For today [Friday], the school remains open to allow parents to turn, but the fair maternal tonight is canceled and the closure may continue next week," said the UMP mayor, Philippe Juvin. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- the Humanity of 26/06/09 (a day late) bloodletting continues in education from Xavier Darcos gift to his successor, Luc Chatel: 16,000 job cuts in education in 2010. Read more Article Over mixture in Parisian facs, please! Remi Le Gall, eighteen, Sens (Yonne) Since September 2009, the Ministry of Education, in association with ONISEP agency extended the computerized procedure, "Post-bac admission (APB)" all future graduates of France. From the opening of the system (January 20), each student shared his wishes, ranking them in order of preference. But this computer tool, otherwise well designed, some problems. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- ——— Le Parisien 26/06/09 influenza A: four schools of Hauts-de-Seine closed suspected flu cases multiply in the Hauts-de-Seine. There are now four schools that were closed Friday in La Garenne-Colombes, Asnieres-sur-Seine Bourg-la-Reine. Read more of the article 30 cases of influenza A in Parisian schools Parisian school Cardinal Amette (Paris XV), in which 28 children were affected by the influenza virus A / H1N1, will not reopen until Monday . In a statement, the prefecture said that "as a precautionary measure and in order to break the transmission chain of the virus, health authorities have decided to extend for 4 days, until Sunday included the closing of the school group Cardinal Amette ". Read more of the article Influenza A: a closed school in Viry-Chatillon The school Our Lady, in Viry-Chatillon, has been closed indefinitely due to influenza A. Three cases for now suspects were notified in a CM2 class that all students were placed under Tamiflu. Read more from the article "You feel that you are invested!" (Blog Tray) This is the final stretch of a marathon, my ultimate control … before the results. On the way, this Thursday at 16 hours for oral French, which paralyzes early test pupils first. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- —– La Croix 26/06/09 Abolition of posts: the education unions protesting in announcing 16,000 job cuts in 2010, the Minister of education Xavier Darcos raises one last time the indignation of teacher unions More Article ————————————— ——— echoes (some paid items) of 26/06/09 ———————– Nothing see … ————————– 20 minutes from 26/06/09 Bac STG topic "crisis" perceived as a provocation students had to study a dismissal practical case … Read More Article in Lille, only two thirds of the philosophy of copies will be corrected teachers are protesting against the lack of time to note the graduates. For the Ministry, they have as many days as last year … Read More Article Four new schools closed for fear of H1N1 It is already 191 confirmed cases in France … Read More Article ———————————————- – Rue89 of 26/06/09 A problaime of speling? His empech pa detre emboche Hiring managers do not escape more: more cover letters or resumes are dotted with spelling or grammar. Is it a criterion for refusing them? Not as much as you might think. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- —– West of France … 26/06/09 Nothing seen ——————————- —————– Le Journal du Dimanche 26/06/09 Nothing seen … —————— ———————- Le Nouvel Observateur 26/06/09 Permanent officials: always downsizing – absolute red cloth for civil servants, reform state, that is to say its reduction remains a priority of the government. No question for the president to compromise on not replacing the rule of retirement two officials. The principle seems common sense: the computerization enables productivity gains. But in ten years, public employment grew by 17%, private employment only 13%. This gap is not sustainable. The Court of Auditors is regularly happy to point out the incongruities of the public sector, such as the fact that France has the densest diplomatic network in the world (more than that of the US), or the increasing numbers of Ministry of Agriculture, while the number of farmers is decreasing. Read more of the article —————————————- Express .fr 26/06/09 ————————————- Nothing seen … 26/06/09 ——— the Cafe Pedagogique Who wants to silence Bastien Cazals? Can we gag a teacher? Bastien Cazals part of teachers who disobey and refuse to apply to the letter Darcos programs. Already sanctioned 36 days pay on withdrawals, he received a letter from the Inspector of Schools of the Herault, Paul-Jacques Guiot, dated June 23, ordering him not to contact any media for any subject related duty. An unprecedented and surprising decision but confirmed by the school inspectorate Read more of the article Should we transform the School Inspectorate of Haute-Garonne in military court? This is the question posed Pierre Frackowiak given the reasons for proceeding against certain desobeisseurs as A Refalo. "Never in the modern history of the school (since 1940), such practices have been observed." For Pierre Frackowiak prosecutions launched against "desobeisseurs" unprecedented. "It is time the Ministry decides on the authoritarian excesses of the system, resume dialogue and reflection on pedagogy and comprehensive education policies". Read the rest of the article ——————————————- — Mediapart (fee) of 26/06/09 Nothing seen … ——————————- —————————- a selection in dispatches of 26/06/09 Three students affected by influenza a, a primary school closed Viry-Chatillon primary school Our Lady Viry-Chatillon (Essonne) was administratively closed Friday by prefectural after the discovery of three students in the same class with influenza a H1N1 last Tuesday-t- on Friday in the late afternoon at the prefecture. Read more of the article A Senior Assistant assaulted by a student in Strasbourg Parent Senior Assistant Lycee Jean Monnet Strasbourg was attacked Monday by the father of a student in 6th and was prescribed an inability temporary work (ITT) of eight days, have we learned Friday from his colleagues. Read more of the article Parisian schoolboys fighting against violence blows posters The prefect of police, Michel Gaudin Friday handed the first prize of "college students are displayed against violence" organized in several schools Paris two students to 3rd College of Paris’ third arrondissement. Read more of the article occupancy of maternal doomed to disappear in the residence hall Antony Twenty parents and activists held Thursday evening with children a nursery school in a building of the "dorm "Antony and doomed to closure in" appalling conditions ", they told AFP. Read more of the article A college student knocked the knife by a fellow in the Somme A Grade 5 a college Peronne (Somme) was struck by a stab in the back by a Grade 6 , near the school, Thursday around 1:00 p.m., but his injury is "not serious," do we learned from the school inspectorate and the police. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- —————————- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license. Posted by Watrelot on Friday, June 26, 2009