
  • Keeping My Head Below Water

    Keeping My Head Below Water

    If my iPhone rings in my bag and I don’t hear it because I’m doing laps in the pool, does it still ring? Hell no. And that’s just one of the reasons I love swimming.

    5 years ago I decided to get fit by testing my Advanced Intermediate swimming skills. Yeah, I wore the proverbial Scarlet AI on my forehead for endless summers at camp (c’mon, unless you’re a 10th grade lit teacher, you can allow me some creative license here). Alas, those lake lifeguards never did promote me to Advanced, leaving me to flutter-kick in vain.

    Well, the frigid waters of Silver Lake wouldn’t recognize me now, as I swiftly crawl/backstroke/breaststroke through the water and use kick-boards, fins and stabilizers. In swimming, I’ve found amazing benefits for my body, mind and soul.

    Studies have shown that regular swimmers are biologically up to 20 years younger than their actual ages. That’s reason enough to hit the local pool. And so you could just stop reading here. But don’t! Because then you’ll miss some other neat facts:

    • Swimming is an equal opportunity activity — during a solid swim you’ll get a beautiful resistance workout for your whole body, including shoulders, arms, core, hips and glutes
    • Swimming is very low impact, so while you’re working those muscles, you’re much less likely to get injured than if you were running or weight training
    • Despite what some folks think, swimming washes away calories — up to 250 during an easier half hour swim and way up to 800 during a more vigorous hour long one
    • Swimming increases HDL levels (good cholesterol), reduces LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and reduces the risk of diabetes
    • As long as there’s a lifeguard present and safe conditions are in place, swimming is for everyone: young, old, pregnant, postpartum, those with injuries or disabilities, newbies and old pros

    As for the intangible benefits of swimming, bullet points would give short shrift to the powerful impact that swimming can have on one’s emotional well being; I know this firsthand. Swimming offers me a real escape from the stresses and responsibilities of life. Underwater I’m in my perfect, private zone – it’s intense, relaxing and buoyant all at the same time. It’s an incomparable feeling that I look forward to every day.

    For those joggers or gym buffs who think it’s tough to exercise without some musical inspiration, I offer you the SwiMP3 by Finis. You’ll get your Rolling Stones or Pink or Daft Punk even as the water rushes past — it’s pretty damn cool.

    As an important aside, if you have no choice but to swim in a chlorinated pool (as opposed to a saltwater pool or one which utilizes ultraviolet disinfection), make sure that the pool is cleaned and emptied regularly, shower before and after hopping in and hydrate yourself with filtered water before you take a dive.

    So, grab a bathing suit, a swim cap, a pair of goggles and find yourself a pool. You won’t regret it.  And as for you camp lifeguards – wherever you are – who kept me from the holy grail of the Advanced swim group? Your lanyard whistle necklaces really weren’t that cool. But I don’t hold a grudge.

  • This is My Forty

    This is My Forty

    This post first ran on the Children’s Cause for Cancer Advocacy website.

    I once thought that turning 40 would be a significant milestone in my life. Like most people, I assumed that the act of marking time by focusing on the calendar was the main, fitting way to celebrate progress, the perfect way to celebrate life. My “landmark” birthday would surely be meaningful in its own right.

    But many things happened on my way to 40. Experiences, both emotional and profound, rushed in and capsized my notions about which moments I would honor with my time, my attention and my memory. Instead of standing on deck, squinting toward the distant shore of an upcoming birthday, I gradually found myself celebrating moments that were organically swirling at my feet.

    The awakening began with the birth of our first child, 12 years ago. Within 5 1/2 years, our brood grew by 3 more. In that intense and overwhelmingly busy time, I began to shed the idea that any one day was destined to be more relevant than all others just by virtue of its place on the calendar. Of course, a birthday can be a special, exciting time – for adults and certainly for children – but, in my life, the memories that have endured having nothing to do with candles on a cake. I don’t recall my 27th birthday, but I remember my first son’s toothless grins that appeared every time we played Somewhere Over the Rainbow. I’ve forgotten how I celebrated my 29th birthday, but I recall my second son’s childlike awe in the Museum of Natural History. Is my 30th birthday vivid? My 33rd? No and no. But I will always remember how adorable my daughter looked in her first pair of pink converse sneakers, as well as my 4th child’s very early ability to dance right on beat.

    Becoming a parent was a powerful lesson, but it was only part of my education. In April of 2011, my husband and I were blindsided by the fact that our young son’s low grade fever, a fever that surfaced and abated several times over 2 weeks, was a symptom of something far more insidious than a virus or infection. At 8 years old, our child was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and our world was turned on its head. But amidst all the worry and fear, I reaped the benefits of my ever-blooming understanding that there was magnificence in life’s more modest moments; suddenly, no other insight was more important or more true. My ability to hear euphony in a child’s unexpected, silly reaction or my appreciation of a deep connection built while explaining away a child’s fear were the most beautifully wrapped gifts I opened during some of my darkest hours.

    August 6th, 2013, was chemo day for my son. It was also my 40th birthday. Sitting in the pediatric cancer center, bearing witness to incomparable levels of sadness and strength, no one aware that it was my big 4-0, I knew unmistakably that for 12 years I had been following an authentic map, one that had allowed me to unearth the real treasures in my world. On this map of life, the most meaningful milestones are not the days marked by birthdays or anniversaries, but those seemingly quotidian experiences I share with my children, my family, my friends — snapshots that, in reality, are not insignificant at all. Turning 40 paled in comparison to the brunch that I shared with my daughter early in the summer before she left for sleepaway camp; the walk I took with my eldest son recently, our arms linked; the fun basketball game I played with my youngest child; the way I was able to make my son laugh during that chemo week, even when he was feeling so horrible from the meds. I know that thosetypes of moments are the big ones — the ones that will most enrich the years I’m given and provide me with the fortitude to navigate the frothy, unforgiving waves that might crash against my vessel. Those are the milestones of a life well lived.

  • How I Learned to Love Vinegar…

    How I Learned to Love Vinegar…




    If you think that cleaning your home with safe, non-toxic products means spending a bundle, well, you’ve got another blog coming…

    I’m a stickler for using only non-toxic ingredients to clean my kitchen and bathrooms and guess what? I bet I spend a heckuva lot less money cleaning house than you do.

    Don’t believe me? Well, at last go-round, a gallon of distilled white vinegar set me back $3.69, hydrogen peroxide cost me $1.49 and baking soda was a whopping $1.29. And tap water? I already owned that. And get this — the stuff really works. So my home is clean, I’m being crazy friendly to my health and my wallet and I’m being rather friendly to my other home as well — the one called earth. Whaddya say to that? (Evil eye in the direction of your Fantastik. Excellent, that’s a start…)

    First, let me tackle the ugly details. Other than the fact that your basic arsenal of cleaning products has you shelling out plenty of greenbacks regularly, the products are so full of respiratory toxicants, carcinogens and allergens like ammonia, formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, lye and synthetic fragrances, that when you use them, you’re not only polluting the world, but you’re actually promoting chronic chemical exposure in your own home. As in: you’re doing some very nasty things to the air inside your home and the organs of your body.

    It’s oddly counterintuitive but totally true: the cleaner you try to make your home by routinely using ‘bottles of chemicals’ (as I affectionately call them), the more damage you’re doing to the health of the people who live there. (Doting eye in the direction of your baby in a high chair, the very chair you cleaned with Fantastik. Ugh.)

    Onto the good – no, great – news. Homemade kitchen and bathroom cleaning solutions are ridiculously easy to prepare, cheap, versatile (a single combo can work in many areas) and super safe. What’s the catch? Well, besides the fact that you might have to unlearn the pounded-into-your-head idea that chemical-based cleaners are necessary and that simple white vinegar can’t possibly clean your home (I admit, I had to make the leap), there is no catch. No downside. It’s all good. (And no excuses regarding the smell of vinegar — it dissipates in minutes.)

    Here are a bunch of easy cleaning concoctions that will change your life in so many fantastic (I like that word as long as it ends with a ‘c’) ways:

    • Kitchen counters/tiles/surfaces (and high chairs): Combine approximately 9 parts water with 1 part vinegar in a spray bottle (add some lemon if you want). Spray and wipe with a microfiber cloth. Label the bottle and use it regularly. (In the case of marble countertops, don’t use acidic substances. Combine 1 tablespoon of natural liquid Castile soap with 1 quart of warm water. Spray and wipe.)
    • Disinfection (such as when there’s raw food remnants on a surface): After a little spot test, spray some hydrogen peroxide on the surface and then follow it with the above vinegar solution.
    • Drain cleaner: Pour 1/2 cup baking soda and then 1/2 cup vinegar down the drain. Plug for 30 minutes and then, as long as the pipes are metal, run hot water through to clean out the debris.
    • Bathroom counters/tiles/surfaces: See Kitchen counters/tiles/surfaces.
    • Bathroom scrub: Combine 1/2 cup baking soda with some non-toxic liquid soap (and a few drops of essential oil if you want a particular scent). Scrub away.
    • Basic mold cleaner: Combine 3 parts vinegar to 2 parts water and spray. Let it sit for about an hour. Wipe down with cloth or brush.
    • Toilet bowl cleaner: Spray in some vinegar. Let it sit. Finish with toilet brush.

    So there you have it. A lickety-split lesson on the amazing benefits of vinegar and its inexpensive, safe and effective pals.Unbelievably easy, right? No fuss, your home is clean and you protect the health of everyone who lives there. And that, as they say, is priceless.



  • Breakfast of (Little) Champions

    Breakfast of (Little) Champions




    I often find myself robed and slippered, still in glasses, concocting fun smoothies for my kids before they run off to school. Admittedly, the grating sound of the blender first thing in the AM is hardly music to my ears, but as there’s a veritable symphony of yummy, healthy stuff whirring inside that glass container, I’ve learned to love it. The morning smoothies at our place are a perfect start to the kids’ school days and for the adults in the house who chug the remainder, it’s a terrific start as well.

    After 8-12 hours of fasting (which is my blog-y way of referring to nighttime sleep), children need to refuel. They must feed their developing brains and bodies, and starting off the day with whole grains, fiber and protein is a great way to do that. With math class, gym and choir practice on the horizon, children need the proper attention/energy/attitude; good morning fare can help in those departments. Heck, we all know that being famished is hardly a mood enhancer.

    And when it comes to weight control – for kids and adults – eating a morning meal is right up there on the list of things-to-do to maintain a healthy weight. Studies have shown that eating a good breakfast can keep a person on track, helping him stay physically active and reducing the risk of obesity. So those few extra minutes of sleep instead of a meal can turn into a few extra pounds if it becomes a habit.

    Now you’re probably saying to yourself: Are you out of your bloggin’ mind Jen?!?! Who has time to make a wholesome breakfast and still get the kids rolling out the door on time?  Well, you do!! Because here’s the thing — there’s no need to be that perfectly coiffed family sitting around a table with grapefruit halves and stacks of whole grain pancakes at the ready (although my kids do enjoy good whole grain pancakes…but they’re reserved for dinner). Believe me, mornings at my apartment don’t look so neat. But the goal should be that each junior heads out to school with a tummy that is happy and healthy. And you can make that happen…in a jiffy.

    And in even better news, you can be somewhat casual about measurements. Just focus on a nice combo of ingredients and you’re golden. Here are a whole bunch of healthy, quick and very tasty breakfasts you can whip up for your kids – the very same kids who will actually make the morning bell.


    • Grind up a tablespoon of flaxseed in the blender. When it’s smooth, pour in 1/4 – 1/2 cup of organic milk, around 1/2 cup of plain organic yogurt, a frozen (or fresh) banana halved and 1/2 cup of organic frozen strawberries and/or blueberries. Blend. If it’s too thick, add more milk and blend again.
    • I found this next smoothie online at yummy mummy kitchen. Pour 1/2 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, soy milk or coconut milk into the blender. Add 1 cup of frozen pineapples, 1 cup of frozen mangos and a handful of fresh organic baby spinach. Scoop in plain organic yogurt and blend. If the blender is stopping, add more milk. (Add a dash of agave if it needs a kick of sweetness. You can also add some cubes to make it icier.) Yes, this smoothie is green, but as promised, it’s also yummy.


    • Grab a tall glass and scoop in some plain organic greek yogurt. Spoon on some organic fruit (blueberries, peaches, strawberries, bananas, mangos). More yogurt on that. Then granola. Then yogurt. Then fruit. Honey on top. And it looks real pretty.


    • Make oatmeal a breakfast staple — it’s an awesome way to start the day. You can make the stovetop kind (which takes about 10 minutes total) or go for instant. Once prepared, top it with chopped almonds, walnuts, fresh organic fruit or fruit preserves. Cool it off with some organic milk.


    • Toast a whole wheat english muffin or a slice of whole what bread. Spread on some organic nut butter (peanut, almond, cashew), soy nut butter or sunflower butter. Slice some bananas on top. You can also swirl on a bit of honey.


    • Place a whole wheat tortilla on a warm frying pan lightly oiled with EVOO. Throw on some lowfat cheese (cheddar, muenster, swiss) and, after a minute or two, slice some organic apples on top — Granny Smith apples work great with cheddar. Fold and let cook until fully melted. Voila!

  • Как Перевести

    Как Перевести

    Многие привыкли сторониться азартных игр и всех развлекательных заведений, где в обязательном порядке приходится тратить деньги и рисковать.

  • Lips Don’t Lie (But Lipsticks Do…)

    Lips Don’t Lie (But Lipsticks Do…)




    There’s no denying it – a passionate kiss can do wonders for a gal and her lip-locking partner. Not that you need any excuse to pucker up, but it turns out that there are plenty of great reasons to do so. Alas, all benefits aside, if you choose to reapply your lip color before leaning in, your smooch might have several unintended consequences for you and your sweetheart.

    But what could possibly taint beautifully done-up lips and a highly anticipated kiss? How about heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, chromium and manganese?

    Oh hell, it’s true. Turns out that countless lipsticks and lip glosses contain many of those metals. And they’ve been detected at high enough levels that, considering how often they are used (quite often) and where they are used (well, on the mouth), they could actually pose a health hazard over time. But no need to take my word for it; a study published recently in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives really does indicate that, unlike those flashy tubes of lipstick regulated in the European Union, our sticks of color in America are not being monitored by the FDA in ways that they absolutely should be.

    The lead content of the lipsticks was no big surprise. In 2007, 2009 and 2012 the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and the FDA, respectively, found that many popular brands of lipstick (regardless of price point) had worrisome levels of lead contamination. Of the ones that were tested in 2012, the worst offenders were Maybelline Color Sensational in Petal Pink, L’Oreal Colour Riche in Volcanic and NARS Semi-Matte in Red Lizard. Wet n’ Wild, Bobbi Brown, and Shiseido brand lipsticks were low on the list.

    But this most recent study unearthed some new facts about what’s hiding in lipstick – ones that can’t be ignored. It’s becoming clearer every day that beauty is coming at too high a cost and that we need to take action to protect ourselves and our families. To wit: lead is a known neurotoxin; chromium, a known human carcinogen; cadmium, also a known human carcinogen, has been linked to kidney disease at chronic, low level doses; and manganese has been connected with neurological problems in children…and that’s what’s in our lipstick!

    With many reapplications daily, women are being exposed to heavy metals at levels higher than the acceptable daily intake; over a lifetime, this amount is obviously much greater. And, considering the sweet scent and taste of many lip products marketed to kids, young girls will likely take in a whole lotta lipstick as well. Rather makes the idea of wearing lipstick hard to swallow (or, gulp, easy…).

    Of course, there’s nothing wrong with going lipstick-free; I certainly do that and I impress upon my young daughter that lipstick is not necessary. But let’s be real – there’s nothing like a glossy pink pout for a casual day or an awesome bold swipe of red on the lips for a night out and I’m pretty sure that my daughter already knows that as well.

    But no wallowing in worry – I’m big on knowing the deal and making changes. And I’ve found plenty of lipsticks that I feel much more comfortable wearing and that I will feel a gazillion times more comfortable giving my daughter when she ultimately wins that battle.

    To greatly reduce exposure to chemicals and heavy metals, try ILIA Beauty’s line of lip products which can be purchased online or at certain retailers, as well as Vapour Organic Beauty’s collection of lipsticks and glosses. Bite Beauty lipsticks, which are sold at Sephora, are produced with food-grade ingredients and antioxidants. And the The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has done a lot of the work for you, by compiling a list of many safe brands.

    So give the kiss-off to those lipsticks that aren’t too pretty for your health and find yourself some new brands that are beautiful and safe. Mwah!


  • The Dish on Fish

    The Dish on Fish




    Would you be happy if, during dinner, your child asked “Could I have more salmon, please?” Well sure, it would be nice to know that your constant loop of ‘always say please and thank you’ had actually paid off, but I’m not channeling Emily Post here. I’m talking about the awesome fact that your kid wants more of a very healthy fish. But, if you’re regularly feeding said child farmed salmon, the great news might actually stop at those good manners.

    As a source of lean protein that’s rich in vitamins, minerals and Omega-3 fatty acids, seafood is an important part of a healthy diet. In particular, Omega-3 fatty acids are known to lower heart disease risk, reduce inflammation, help prevent cancer cell growth and improve infant brain development. And there are great recipes, like citrus-soy glazed black cod and mustard-broiled salmon that are easy to prepare and yummy to eat. So: eat any fish and be healthy — pretty straightforward, right?

    Not so fast. Because, as healthy as seafood is, there are many dangerous contaminants found in our waters, as well as synthetic chemicals that are added to farmed fish, that have done quite a number on the seafood that finds its way to our supermarkets. And then onto our children’s plates. And then into their bodies. Yeah, you get it.

    So, while it’s more important to eat regular servings of seafood than to avoid seafood altogether out of fear of contamination,it’s absolutely wisest to feed your family a steady diet of the healthiest and safest fish. And that’s something that, armed with a bit of information, anyone can do.

    Now back to salmon – which is very popular and one of my family’s faves. My advice? Children, women considering pregnancy and those with a baby bump should pretty much steer clear of Atlantic farmed salmon. That would result in reducing the intake of the dioxins, PCBs, fire retardants, pesticides and antibiotics that are found in those fish. A pretty horrifying list, no? And in case you were wondering, I don’t only care about the young set and those who are preggers. But an occasional serving of farmed salmon for a non-pregnant, healthy adult is ok; the above mentioned contaminants and carcinogens have much more dangerous implications for a developing fetus and growing children.

    Regarding so called “organic” salmon: there’s no organic standard for “aquaculture” in the U.S. and, while organic salmon farms off the coasts of Scotland and Ireland are regulated to a degree, there are still concerns about these farmed fish.

    Wild Alaskan salmon is a great option for everyone. Higher in Omega-3s than even the farmed stuff, it’s also considered safe and folks should enjoy regular servings. (Regarding serving size, here’s a little tip: 4 oz of fish is about the size of a deck of cards. An adult’s serving size is 4-6 oz; a kid’s serving size is smaller.) The wild salmon season runs from around May to November and if the healthy price tag is a concern, it’s worth eating it a little less often and supplementing with canned salmon, which is usually wild and is very versatile. Try this tasty recipe for easy salmon cakes. On this front, choose brands likeVital Choice that use BPA-free linings in their cans.

    And how about the ubiquitous tuna sandwich? While there’s nothing quite like tuna on soft whole wheat with lettuce and tomatoes (extra pickles, please), I’ll stop right here and tell you that albacore/white canned tuna is high in mercury and should be avoided (or eaten rarely) by, you guessed it, the kids and the pregnant ones. Mercury is a known neurotoxin – it can affect the developing brain and nervous system. Chunk light tuna is lower in mercury and can be eaten somewhat more often. But be aware – tuna is often a staple of school lunches. Find out what kind of tuna your child’s school serves and adjust his intake accordingly.

    There are obviously many “fish to fry” and so for seafood in general, try to buy the types lowest in contaminants – often smaller species and not bottom feeders – and err on the side of wild as opposed to farmed fish. But you don’t have to memorize anything. Download the Safe Seafood App for your iPhone or check out the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch website for a complete list of the safest – and least safe – types of seafood.

    Be smart about the fish that you eat and feed your family. Look for the healthiest, safest options and make a habit of serving them. And then your family will really thank you.


  • This One Nails It

    This One Nails It



    At my last salon visit, I was asked by several women whether I wanted to upgrade to a signature pedicure, if I could use a 10 minute back massage and if I wanted an eyebrow threading (this last appeal caused me to raise an already nicely arched eyebrow, thank you very much).

    But you know what would’ve made me really happy? If those eager gals had offered me nail polishes without well known hazardous chemicals. Now that woulda been worth the extra tips they were angling for.

    Don’t call me a buzzkill — I’ve no intention of ruining your idea of a relaxing mani/pedi with talk of dreaded disease. I’m not saying you gotta hightail it out of the salon and go bare on the nails – although that’s a perfectly chic decision. I’m just letting you know that if you avoid several potentially harmful polish ingredients, you’ll nail beauty and safety all at once.

    So let’s get to it. The idea here is to avoid the toxic trio. Alliterative, yes, but also right to the point. The moniker refers to formaldehyde, a polish hardener; toluene, a chemical that offers ease of application; and DBP, a plasticizer that prevents chipping — or, as I like to call them, a carcinogen, a neurotoxin, and a hormone disruptor. They’re found in many nail polishes…and it’s ugly business.

    Why the heck is stuff that causes cancer, headaches/fatigue and reproductive problems allowed in nail polish anyway? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn’t require cosmetic companies to test the safety of their products by disinterested third-parties. Basically, cosmetics companies get to police themselves. And you know what that means — it means that the Pretty in Pink nail polish on your 6 year-old’s nails likely contains nasty stuff that’s getting absorbed into her developing body through her nail beds (not to mention her mouth, if she’s a biter). I, for one, don’t want that for my daughter. Or myself.

    In addition, salon workers who regularly breathe in these hazardous chemicals have reported, among other things, high rates of respiratory problems. Our world suffers as well; when these products are thrown out, the chemicals make their way into our groundwater and soil, contaminating our earth.

    The European Union banned or restricted members of the toxic trio from use in cosmetics starting in 2004. Unfortunately, the United States often drags its feet when it comes to this stuff, so if you use nail polishes made in America, you need to be your own watchdog, especially if you’re pregnant or have kids who beg for glittery nails.

    Luckily, you don’t have to bark up too many trees to find good, safer polish. There are many companies that care about beautyand health. OPIZoyaPoofy Organics and Priti NYC are brands that have proven their nail polish safety. Revlon Multi-Care Base and Topcoat is a nice choice for the before and after. For your little ones – for whom it’s particularly ideal to get that spa treatment at home as opposed to in a stinky salon – there’s the Priti Princess Collection, where shimmery colors abound, andHopscotch Kids. Both of those brands also have safe polish removers.

    You should be aware that while certain polishes do claim to be 3 free (some claim to be 5 free – free of the toxic trio, plus formaldehyde resin and camphor), a study done in California in 2012 proved many of them unworthy of the claim. But if you buy yourself some bottles from the companies listed above or other proven brands, you can head to the salon and confidently whip out your own non-toxic shocking orange (as I did that last time). And you might even feel good enough to splurge for that 10 minute massage.

  • Have Your Steak and Eat it Too

    Have Your Steak and Eat it Too




    Considering my mantra of the importance of dodging unhealthy exposures, it wouldn’t take a psychic to guess that I try to avoid red meat. No mind-reading required here…and for many obvious reasons.

    Most of us know that red meat is high in cholesterol and saturated fat, and that the processed types (think hot dogs and salami) are also high in sodium, nitrates and other additives. Certain studies link too much red meat with an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes. A recent study out of Harvard posits a direct relationship: the risk of premature death – due to cancer and heart disease, for example – grows with increased consumption of red meat.

    Less familiar to many though, is the fact that the act of cooking animal proteins releases toxic byproducts that contribute to disease and, hence, to meat’s much-maligned (and well-deserved so) reputation. Cooking meat – and even chicken and fish – at high temperatures causes the formation of HCAs (heterocyclic amines), and the smoke that attaches itself to these proteins on the grill is chockfull of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). Both chemicals are suspected carcinogens and have been linked to diseases like breast cancer and colon cancer as well as adverse birth outcomes.

    The last time I had red meat was, well ok, fine — a week ago. I was at a party and went with the mob mentality. (And the steak looked damn good — hey, I’m only human.) But before that it had been a long while since I’d tucked into a rib-eye and frankly (pun possibly intended), I really don’t miss the stuff.

    Even though tides are turning and people are increasingly (yay!) choosing leaner protein sources, legumes and whole grains, red meat can be tempting and, as we’re still knee deep in summer, meat-based barbecues abound. I generally go for veggie burgers – as does my vegetarian hubby – but I know that for many, nothing short of a “real” burger will satisfy a growling belly.

    If you fall into the camp of people who are strict omnivores – and certainly if you’ve got kids who request summer barbecues – there are many things you should do to make grill time as healthy as possible.

    • Use an electric, propane or natural gas grill; they are safer than charcoal or wood grills. If you use charcoal, use sustainably produced charcoal (not charcoal made with petrochemicals)
    • Choose the leanest and smallest cuts of meat and remove the skin before cooking. Fish is preferable, as it takes less time to cook
    • Marinate food in lemon or vinegar based marinades; the acid will keep the chemical byproducts from sticking to the food
    • Pre-cook food in the microwave (apologies to you hard-core chefs out there) and just finish up the cooking on the grill. This can cut carcinogens up to 90%
    • Don’t keep food directly over the charcoals. As juices drip, the smoke rises, depositing the carcinogens directly into the food. Put some tinfoil in between (with small holes for dripping) or move the food off to the side
    • Grill your food enough…but not too much. The well done, and certainly charred, parts of the meat contain the purest form of the carcinogens. This applies to frying and roasting as well
    • Add some veggies and veggie burgers to the mix. They create few, if any, of these toxins and may actually mitigate the effects of the toxins that are present

    So if you really can’t bear the thought of summer without a barbecued meat sandwich, at least take steps to make that sandwich a little cleaner. And consider dipping your toes into the veggie world. It’s a pretty fun summer in here too.



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    The users get early on access to all the amazing new features.
    Plenty of posts very often make us squander an annoying amount of time to get delivered automatically over the atmosphere. That is not a big deal with the 1xBet mobile app APK.
    You can always come back to the prior app version if you’ re not satisfied with updates.
    Now, to become alarmed to have access to the Yahoo Play Store because of APK files that a good alternate for installing the 1xBet application on the mobile unit.
    1xBet Software APK – The Simple Secrets of Installation

    As everybody knows, Google Take up banned all the real money-betting platforms. That is the main reason that prevents you from 1xBet APK download from there. However , the better alternative exists to get access to 1xBet mobile app.

    The 1xBet APK is a certified app that ensures the users’ gadget security, in contrast to some other apps that could be developed as pirated services. 1xBet mobile app APK is completely legal and is not able to attack your device with the spyware. Let’ s learn about several easy steps to get the 1xBet APK on a smartphone or a tablet.

    Use your browser to find out 1xBet APK and tap it to see the sign of downloading for the upper corner of your cellphone screen.
    In that case enter your Downloads file tap the downloaded document to confirm your permission pertaining to installation.
    After you’ ve entered “ Yes” in the correspondent field, the 1xBet mobile app APK installation will be initiated.
    After the unit installation will be over, enter the section “ Settings”, find out the option of General adjustments and stick to the path up to Dev Control that leads to Enterprise App.
    The application will be ready to let you bet after one-minute verification.
    It should be stressed once more that 1xbet mobile app APK is fully safe and won’ t compromise the phone’ s security for no reason.

    1xBet APK for 8 Oreo and 9 Pie Android Versions
    Pay attention to the fact that the latest Android versions produce 1xBet APK download a bit different. A global setting is not going to be checked to let the device accept the 1xBet mobile app as the software from the third-party resources but is not from the Play Store. You should allow installation manually within the browser.

    For this specific purpose, one can also use a file director to install 1xBet mobile app APK. There are plenty of them on the Web but you can choose the installed one automatically or look through the list of the most effective file managers to choose the proper one, to your mind.

    Note that if you’ re the registered punter and have already created the consideration on 1xBet, all the chances are already available on 1xbet request mobile to let you avoid a repeat registration.

    1xBet Application – The greatest Level of Comfort

    1xBet mobile app APK carries out well both on the cell phones and tablets. 1xBet iphone app APK features a good rate without any delays and not authorized interruptions. When 1xBet APK download is done, one can put or make any other transaction at once considering all the past achievements and winnings. It will take just a few clicks to make that fast without any errors and misunderstandings.

    1xBet APK download also will make things easier when observing the history of bets straight from the device. While having this wonderful 1xBet mobile app, watch every one of the live video streams in high definition and make gambling bets during the match or competition.

    There will be not any problems to toggle the attention between the desktop version and 1xBet application mobile or portable due to a very straightforward site, dashboard and other options which might be developed with the accordance towards the latest usability requirements. Don’ t worry about having not really valid version because the driver always publishes the latest improvements and gives access to the relevant 1xBet mobile application.

    1xBet Mobile Application – High Techs at Work

    The 1xBet mobile app is one of the technological kinds in the offshore segment. Generate 1xBet APK download devoid of either the bookmaker’ h official website or their mobile platform. The icons of sections are attracted sharply and navigation is usually logic. At the same time, 1xBet application mobile is not overcome with graphics and doesn’ t take a lot of place in the phone memory.

    1xBet APK download is focused on sports, so the online casino games don’ t distract the bettors’ attention. Remember that the 1xBet application lacks the physical address and it helps players escape blocking. 1xBet Portugal app can provide comfy sports betting not only from Google android but also from the iOS devices – iPhones and iPads.

    The 1xBet application mobile’ ersus functionality remains the same – there are tons of options to place various types of bets (single, accumulated bets, or bankers) to your liking. The competitive and bigger odds for the most important and meaningful events stay likewise valid.

    1xBet Application Mobile Telecharger
    1xBet application portable telecharger means access to the variety of bet mobile apps by 1xBet to pay attention not just in sport but to casino video games as well. Would you like to challenge any person at poker, baccarat or blackjack? No problem – friendly dealers are at your services directly in the 1xBet mobile app Android. 1xBet cellular TV games are also among the app’ s options. The moment speaking about the casino games, one can try his/her fortune in slots, Money wheel, 1xDice and plenty of various other games.

    1xbet APK for your Phone – Wise Choice of Mobile Players

    The 1xBet android app is also a most wonderful choice for the newcomers because they have a right to get a deposit bonus and put extra sum prove account in order to achieve profits that are more obvious. All the developed promotions and current offers are also available for people who telecharger 1xBet app.

    Certainly, the full app’ s potential can be revealed at once after a simple technique of registration. The way to join the best platform’ s community is identical to the method from the desktop devices. There are four ways to sign up, such as the simplest one via the contact number and a bit roundabout means of creating the account through the social media you’ re signed up.

    1xBet APK Down load – The Final Words before You Start
    If you up to down App Store or Play Store and find no appropriate wager free app, a choice com app from 1xBet is the best variant. More than 4 hundred, 000 punters all over the world have previously evaluated its conveniences and functionality. Now, you can use 1xBet mobile app APK to put bets from your apartments and also the office, the restaurant and also the fitness club, when traveling or maybe hiking.

    No requirement to carry massive bags with the laptops and to look for the café with free Wifi to catch your good fortune. Just take the phone out of the pocket and place the gamble in a pair of clicks. Watch video stream to track the case in real time and make calamit? to enhance your chances to win. The 1xBet iphone app Android design allows enjoying video horizontally or in full screen according to your preferences.