Author: jenerationeden

  • Untitled post 570

    When you tell your kids to wash their hands, you’re helping to ensure that chemicals and contaminants on their hands go down the drain. But if they’re washing with a chem-filled soap,

  • Detoxing your Home: Easy Does it…

    Detoxing your Home: Easy Does it…




    People often shy away from the concept of detoxifying their homes. Sure, everyone wants to live healthfully, but “detoxing” can seem foreign and the idea of upending the status quo in one’s own space can come off as time-consuming and expensive.

    Well, POP! (That was me bursting that bubble.) Not only are there many ways to easily and quickly reduce the toxicants in your home, but many of them don’t cost a thing. In addition, the changes aren’t strange and new-agey; in fact, they’re pretty darn logical and can seamlessly become very routine. I’d argue that one day you’ll look back and wonder how you ever didn’t do this stuff.

    Check out this list of simple and free ways to help reduce the amount of toxicants in your home and clean up the air that you and your family breathe every day.

    • KNOCK OFF YOUR SHOES AT THE DOOR: Want to slash the amount of bacteria, pesticide residue, heavy metals and chemicals in your kids’ rooms (not to mention your own)? Easy. Take your shoes off at the front door. The EPA has found that pesticides on shoes is a real source of toxic exposure for kids, but kicking off your kicks can take care of that.

    • WASH YOUR HANDS WHEN YOU COME HOME: Even if it’s true that exposure to certain microbes can be an important part of a healthy immune system, there are plenty of things that should absolutely be sent down the drain. Pesticide and fertilizer residue from foods handled in the supermarket and from grass kids play on at school should be banished from the home, as should BPA (Bisphenol A) that’s found on receipts, movie tickets and other printed-on thermal paper. Washing and rubbing hands for 20 seconds with warm water and a plant-based soap will do the trick.
    • AIR OUT YOUR DRY CLEANING BEFORE BRINGING IT IN THE HOUSE: I’ve made a concerted effort in our home to wash most items in the washing machine except those that absolutely require dry cleaning. And even then, we use a cleaner that does not utilize the solvent perchloroethylene (perc), which is a potential human carcinogen. If your cleaners use perc, or any other chemical solvent, be sure to take the plastic off of your dry cleaned clothes and air them out in a well-ventilated area before hanging them in your closet. This will allow any potentially remaining perc residue to dry.
    •  MOP AND DUST REGULARLY: Over time, home furnishings break down, shedding chemicals onto floors and surfaces that accumulate in dust. In fact, many studies done to test levels of environmental hazards like flame retardants, lead and phthalates actually look for these synthetic chemicals in household dust. Get rid of those bunnies with regular, easy maintenance (I admit, this one is free as long as my assumption that you already own a mop or a vacuum or a Swiffer stick is true…). Regularly dust, wet mop or use a dry Swiffer with a bit of plant-based soap and water on your floors. Vacuum carpets with a HEPA filtered vacuum.
    • OPEN YOUR WINDOWS: Yes, it’s a simple as that. The EPA estimates that indoor air is at least 2-5 times more toxic than outdoor air. Even a couple of minutes a day of open windows can benefit the indoor air quality in your home – and the health of everyone who lives there.

    So there you have it. 5 snappy ways to help protect yourself and those you love from some pretty nasty chemicals. There’s nothing pricey, nothing kooky. So try ’em…it just makes sense.



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    Nutrient Moisturizer, developed for all skin types (although I tend to the dry). Botanicals plant oils and antioxidants are whipped together into a rich lotion that is free of parabens, synthetic fragrances and other unwanted ingredients like petroleum and endocrine disruptive phthalates (yes, lots of lotions are full of that stuff). Available at Whole Foods and


    When you tell your kids to wash their hands, you’re helping to ensure that chemicals and contaminants on their hands go down the drain. But if they’re washing with a chem-filled soap, you’re kinda defeating the purpose. Enter Better Life’s Dish It Out dish soap, which doubles in our home as a hand wash. Its plant based ingredient list, as well as the fact that it’s formulated without dyes, fragrances or parabens, makes it a real winner in our kitchen and our bathrooms. Look for it at or


    The EPA estimates that indoor air can be 2-5 times more toxic than outdoor air and while there are many things you can purchase to mitigate this problem, one thing you can do that won’t cost you a cent is to bring some fresh air from the outside into your home. So go ahead and open that window – even for a couple of minutes a day – and breathe easy.








    Durable and safe, stainless steel water bottles are a trendy and on-target addition to any backpack, purse or briefcase. Chugging filtered water from a Klean Kanteen will keep you hydrated, while keeping you away from plastic bottles that can leach harmful chemicals and that encourage our reliance on petroleum. Stainless steel doesn’t emit anything hazardous and is easily cleaned with soap and warm water. My kids bring Klean Kanteens to school with them every day and I use them after I work out. They’re easily ordered at and can be purchased at stores such as Whole Foods.



    I hope I’ve passed down lots of good qualities to my kids — but hey, no one’s perfect, and so I know I’ve also handed down a few less good ones, including my tendency for dry skin, especially on the lips. Luckily, I’ve found a safe and effective lip balm that soothes even the driest of kissers: Now Solutions Completely Kissable Lip Balms. My kids give it a thumbs up – for its flavor (they like the vanilla one, but there’s also pomegranate and peppermint ) and for the way it works. And the safe ingredients, including sunflower seed oil, coconut oil and shea butter, get great ratings from me. You can buy it online at, but I found them at our local Manhattan supermarket and I stock up often, so my lips and my kids’ lips stay safely hydrated during the dry winter months.



    Argan oil, olive oil, avocado oil, pumpkin seed oil…lots of rich oils equals lots of benefits. Take it from me – someone whose daily swims don’t do her hair any favors – this Acure Organics “moroccan argan oil + argan stem cell moisture repairing” shampoo and conditioner combo is fantastic. I use it regularly, as it moisturizes and adds shine. And, of course, I love what it doesn’t have: parabens, phthaltes, sulfates or synthetic fragrances. Available on many websites including,  and

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  • Windex with your Latte, Anyone?

    Windex with your Latte, Anyone?

    Every time you spray your windows with a conventional cleaner, you’re contaminating the air in your home. Each time you spritz the stuff, you’re letting loose a whole army of toxic chemicals that can negatively impact your children’s health.

    And by the way, your lungs ain’t getting off scott-free either.

    Take this very morning. After my alarm woke me up (and by alarm I mean my 7 year-old), I helped whip four kids into shape, took one of them to the eye doctor, talked shop with the PTA president and did a pretty hefty supermarket run.

    So, by 10:15, I’d lived a whole day and I just wanted to relax with a cup of coffee.

    You can then imagine my annoyance – no, my pissed-off-ness – when, as I sat down, latte in front of me, the guy with the rag starts spraying the glass table with, you guessed it, Windex.

    The smell of the neon stuff is awful, obviously. But that was just the tip of the ‘ole iceberg for my detail-oriented self. I mean hell, I didn’t want to breathe in ammonium hydroxide and ethanolamine this AM! I wanted my coffee without respiratory toxicants, thank you. And back to that telltale smell that offends even the least neurotic out there. That’s a mashup of “nonspecific” synthetic chemicals – aka skin irritants and neurotoxins.  And those will mess with anyone, Type A or otherwise.

    As for the non-coffee drinking set? Your children are the most vulnerable to those very worrisome chemicals because, pound for pound, they breathe in more air than you and are still developing. The risks they face from inhaling these toxicants regularly are real and that’s without even mentioning the possibility of accidental ingestion.

    But don’t worry, it’s never too late to make changes, and this one’s simple. Herewith, a DIY non-toxic window cleaner:

    • 2 cups water

    • 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar

    • 1/2 teaspoon natural dish soap

    Combine the ingredients in a bottle and spray away. Wipe down with a newspaper or a microfiber cloth. If you think the vinegar scent might offend tiny noses, open the windows or grab a non-toxic glass cleaner online or in your local market. Green Shield Organic Glass Cleaner and Whole Foods Market Glass Cleaner are two great options.

    So, if I do nothing in this post other than to get you to consider swapping your chemical window and glass cleaner for a non-toxic version, I’ll sleep well tonight. And if you actually make the change, your kids will too.



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