Football: Valuable Etiquette tips for the game
Football fans persela livescore all over the world have mostly same tradition of the game watching, it includes much fun with lots of beer, food, talks. So, what about you? Maybe you prefer to stay at home watching the match, making predictions with Flashlivescore? Or if you go somewhere, what is the best way to get along with people supporting the opposite squad? Do you usually bring something with you to the parties? Do you have to be careful with the topics of your conversations with the other companies? Let’s look through the tips which an International etiquette expert, one of the authors, of Protocol & Etiquette Worldwide, has kindly shared with us:
Never Come Empty-Handed: You may ask the host in advance if there’s anything special she may need. Also, don’t forget to bring a special gift for the hostess.
Arrive Dead on Time: Time is money! Come 10-15 minutes after the beginning of the party and leave it 20-30 minutes before the party finishes. The worst thing is to the dawdler who’s last to leave.
Behave Courteously: If you suddenly became upset by something, don’t try to show it to the people around you. Compose yourself and continue entertaining. It’s not the right place to be a Debbie Downer.
Don’t Get Out of Line at the Cafeteria: Mind that overloading the plate is pre-condemned. And if you touched something on the buffet, take it straight to your plate, and do not double-touch it.
Don’t Take Liberties with Drinks: You might probably know that it is not desirable to drink on an empty stomach. Take a slow pace with your alcohol cocktails or beer. And when the bartender says that the alcohol is finished, do respect it and take some water or juice.
Main Talks Topic is Sports: We all know why we have gathered at that place – football game of the favourite team. Football is the issue. So don’t be off-topic. Speak about the squad, the coachwork, free betting predictions, previous games reviews, etc. But please nopolitics and religion, business issues.
Be Grateful: Send a handwritten note within the 24-48 hours. The host will surely appreciate you spending some time to say thanks to them.